Korean Academy Week 2 ‘Hangul’ Homework


Here is some of my homework that we received at the K-Pop Academy, I decided to choose number four which was to choose 10 hangul words and I did a mini book with 10 of my favourite hangul words! *Warning* I attempted to write it in hangul, so as this is my first ever time, please forgive any of my mistakes that may be there! I also attempted to draw, something that I was never good at, so please also just ignore that too!

This was inspired by B.A.P’s song ‘Stop It’ They were also one of the first K-Pop bands I had ever heard!stopit

Here is the link to the song! : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHhi6g1Glhw

This picture was inspired by ‘My Love from the Stars’ I love the way Kim Soo Hyun said the word and ever since I have just loved this word.


This was inspired by the Akdong Musucians, their song ‘I love you’ The way that everybody smiled in the music video, made me want to learn the word for smile, and so I did! If you have not seen the video, here it is:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuyNe3AmlSk For all you Lee Hyun Woo lovers, watch this video!!


These three pictures was inspired by Andy and Sonia. For those who don’t know who they are, Sonia is a very popular yotube singer with her twin sister Janice, they have a YouTube channel called ‘Jayesslee‘ Definitely check them out! And she got married and started another youtube channel with her husband Andy. When I first got into the korean language, this the first video I watched and I still watch it to this day because I think that it is amazing. LINK HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMW3laFtwrI


This one is also inspired by ‘My Love from the Stars’ simply because Do Min Joon had to ask so many people who they were, I found it hilarious and this phrase just stuck in my head!


This phrase, I have heard a lot and I also use a lot so I decided to use it!


Name of one of my favourite K.Will songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yboVdglumjgneega

Basically, I am a really big Infinite fan. I was watching there new show ‘Diss is Infinite’ and they had a challenge, to come up with a proposal for a noona. Sungyeol ❤ my bias, instead of proposing romantically said this and wanted to find out her how much she owned moneywise! It was funny but I couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed for him!


Unfortunately that is the end of this blog, there will be more I promise! In the next few days…

S x


New Beginnings and all of that..

Hi there!

Let me start by talking about why I am here. Basically around November/December (if my memory is correct), I discovered the fascinating world of Korean Pop and at the time, more so Korean movies.  In my school, there was a girl I knew, who was also into K-Pop and all this fun stuff so we got talking. She informed me of the K-Pop academy  and at first I was sceptical but as time continued, my curiosity got the better of me and I applied. Huzzah! I got in! I couldn’t actually believe it, I had to ask if it was really me, I was in utter state of shock!

For those who are unaware of the K-Pop Academy or the KCCUK (Korean Culture Centre UK) I have put the links below to the websites, definitely do check them out, they host really cool events!

K-Pop Academy: http://www.kccuk.org.uk/navigator.do?siteCode=null&langCode=null&menuCode=200903170055&promImg=1198673979402.gif&menuType=BG&subImg=1198673979402.gif&action=VIEW&seq=51644

KCCUK:  http://www.kccuk.org.uk/welcome.do

Once the day had finally dawned upon me, I was frantically trying to pull myself together. Despite arriving to central London early, I had managed to get lost and had to try to find my way through a place where I have never been before. Thankfully, there were lots of maps around and I managed to find my way.

Once I got there, the atmosphere was so friendly and everyone was getting along so well. Unfortunately for me, this is something I wasn’t used to, so I stayed quiet and tried not to talk. I regretted that decision so much afterwards, so I am determined next week that I will break out of my shell and talk to people!

Once the class had started, we had introductions and presentations from everybody, which I was so interested to learn about because everybody had such different tastes in everything and it was so fascinating to see how we all linked together! I was equally fascinated by how many times EXO was mentioned! I had no idea that they were so huge!

I gave my presentation, I was so nervous and I think I may have rambled on slightly too much..or too little! Aissh how my memory can be so deceiving!

Afterwards we played games and it was so much fun, we had a quiz based on Korea, I think I came 5th… Whatever place I came, I was just glad my little knowledge that I had about Korea actually came into play! And I found out that LG is actually a Korean company!

Once the session had come to an end, most went to China Town and even though I did not go, I have read many of my fellow students posts and I am filled with delight that I feel like I have finally found a place where everyone understands each other and we can share so much about this wonderful culture. Even though, I don’t know everyone that well yet, I cannot wait to get to know everyone at the KPA5 and I absolutely cannot wait for the next  lesson!


S x