Korean Academy Week 2 ‘Hangul’ Lesson

I am really sorry for the late post,  did  write this post ages ago and forgot to press publish but here we go!

Trains in my eyes are either the great invention ever or the worst thing on earth. I was made 10 minutes late to the K-Pop academy because the train driver literally at every stopped was waiting 5 minutes to ‘regulate the service’ -_- I was not impressed in the least. Anyways I got there and we had a class based on the history on hangul and we also tried writing some hangul, mine was so bad compared to the others but for my first (sort of) attempt, I was fairly proud of myself! We were very fortunate to be able to use real ink and mulberry paper, very exciting event!

Here is hangul in the alphabet so you can get the general gist of what I am babbling on about!

Here is my name in korean! ^_^ My excitement went into overload when I saw this!

Afterwards, me and six others went to a restaurant where I tried my first ever korean dish – Bibimbap. Unfortunately, my phone’s camera is not good, so I have decided to insert a picture from google..

Basically mine was like this ^_^ It was sooooooo gooooodd, I loved it and I will be making sure I have that next time too!

It was really nice talking with others about different bands and their experiences with k-pop and culture. Of course Infinite were mentioned *spazzing right now*

Afterwards we went to got get bubble tea and it was really really really good! I am so addicted!!! Ahhhh, I am definitely going in the deep end here!

Anyways I shall end it here, but watch out for my next post! *shifty eyes*

S x

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