Week Four Korean Academy Homework Food

Week Four’s homework is to make a Korean dish using everyday supermarket items. This was the simplest recipe I could find and it sounded really yummy and interesting!

Hoddeok 호떡 is a very popular street food in Korea and is also very versatile! For the filling, you can mix it up, make it sweet or savory, use cheese, red bean paste, meat, vegetables.. whatever floats your boat! However for this particular recipe I decided to keep it traditional and go with the flow of all the Korean internet cooking gurus 🙂

Here is the link I used for those who are looking for a more information, tips and tricks! http://www.maangchi.com/recipe/hoddeok

Makes 8 Hoddeoks


Dough: 1 cup of lukewarm water

2 cups of plain flour

2 teaspoon of fast active dry yeast

½ teaspoon salt,

1 tablesppon vegetable oil,

2 tablespoons sugar,

Filling: ¼ cup of brown sugar,

2 tablespoons of chopped walnuts (Optional if you are allergic to nuts!)

2 teaspoons cinnamon powder

How to make the dough:

  1. Place 1 cup of lukewarm water into a mixing bowl.
  2. Add the sugar, yeast, salt, vegetable oil, and mix well.

It should look not particularly appetising but it smells really good!

  1. Add 2 cups of all purpose flour and mix it, I mixed it with a wooden spoon but feel free to use hands or other utensils.
  2. Let the dough rise for one hour in a warm place covered with a lid or cling warm.
  3. After an hour the dough will rise to double its size, knead the dough to remove the gas bubbles.
  4. Let it rest for 10 minutes.

How to make the filling:

Mix the walnuts, sugar and cinnamon together and hey presto, you are done! Easy as pie!

Hoddeok time!

My phone ran out of battery at this point so I was unable to take pictures until after I had made them 😦

  1. Place and spread about ½ cup flour on your cutting board.
  2. Put the dough on your cutting board and knead it. Make it into a lump, and cut it into 8 equal-sized balls.
  3. Enjoy!
  1. Repeat this 8 times to make 8 stuffed balls.
    *tip: Rub some flour on your hands from the cutting board to prevent your fingers from sticking to the dough
  2. Heat up your non-stick pan over medium heat and add some vegetable oil.
  3. Place 1 ball on the pan and let it cook for 30 seconds.
  4. When the bottom of the dough ball is light golden brown, turn it over and press the dough with a spatula to make a thin and wide circle (about the size of a CD).
  5. Let it cook about 1 minute until the bottom is golden brown.
  6. Turn it over again and turn down the heat to very low.
  7. Place the lid on the pan and cook 1 more minute. The brown sugar filling mixture should have turned into a gooey syrup! 🙂
  8. Enjoy!

Mine for some reason look like gigantic huge disc but don’t taste half bad! Definitely a hit with the family, so I will be making these again!

I hope you have fun making this recipe as much as I did!

S x

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